I'm just your average caffeine-and-language-and-music-and-hanafuda-loving guy. You know the type.
I sling caffeine for a living, speak fluent English and pretty decent Arabic as well as basic Spanish and Italian, have more instruments than I know how to play (but plan to change that as soon as I stop procrastinating), and have an unhealthy fixation on Japanese playing cards growing out of a somewhat less unhealthy fixation on playing card games in general.
Check out my Pixel Hanafuda!
Also my Pixel Hanafuda Dice if you're feeling more adventurous.
Then there's my webgame, Paper Flowers - the first text-based hanafuda game.
I'm also a frequent contributor to FudaWiki.
I played bass on "Realeyes" (Spotify) by my buddy Sean McGuire.
My personal Soundcloud page (not up to date).
My old band Too Soon's 2013 EP The New Recluse.